NATA is working to provide a well-rounded perspective on the FBO industry by promoting Real Facts About FBOs and highlighting the extraordinary services provided by our FBO members through the FBOs: Above and Beyond initiative. NATA invites you to share the Real Facts About FBOs by placing the images and information below on your website as well as on your social media channels and other communications. 


FBO Facts

FBOs provide vital airport and community access and a continuous, safe supply of aviation fuel. Without this vital infrastructure, general aviation would have fewer flying options, and more obstacles to our important and shared mission of increasing the GA pilot population.

FBOs are not just facilities to service local pilots, but serve as gateways toward encouraging economic investment and links to community businesses beyond the airport boundary.

FBOs compete vigorously with each other on price, service, and quality of facilities.

Competition between FBOs is not limited to other on-field providers. Increased aircraft efficiency means an FBO competes for fuel sales with aircraft departure points and destinations. Additionally, pilots and passengers often have a choice of airports near their ultimate destination. 

FBOs and the airports and communities they serve are closely tied. The viability of local airports, and in turn local communities, must be protected from attempts at economic regulation.

NATA and its members strongly support the FAA’s policy recommending that airports implement minimum standards – providing benefits, including creating a safer operating environment, guaranteeing higher quality services to the public, and protecting the airport by ensuring service providers maintain a minimum level of training, equipment, staffing, and insurance coverage.
Feel free to share these images on your website and on social media to provide the public with a well-rounded perspective on the FBO industry.


NATA State of the Aviation Business Sector Overview
FBO Fact Sheet

Articles Providing the Real Facts About FBOs

"Should U.S. FBOs Adopt a European Model?"

In an article dated June 27th, NATA Board Member Curt Castagna discusses FBO pricing practices from the perspective and responsibilities of the airport sponsor, exploring the model of pricing from evaluating the merits of both the American and European models.

In FBO Pricing Dispute, Critics Say AOPA's Numbers Don't Add Up

NATA President Marty Hiller provides the FBO and airport perspective in Stephen Pope’s Flying Magazine article, " In FBO Pricing Dispute, Critics Say AOPA's Numbers Don't Add Up ," discussing the "blurring line between fact and fiction in the public feud with airports and FBOs." 

Is Your Airport Healthy?

Airports and their tenants provide essential services to keep general aviation healthy, sustainable and successful, as well as support the economic viability of local communities. In a  recent  Airport Business/ article, NATA Board Member Curt Castagna discussed pathways to maintain the sustainability of airports and to encourage stakeholders, including users, to collaborate on achieving a robust airport that supports both economic development and public access to aviation.

The following articles discuss the changing reality of general aviation and call into question the necessity of the debate on access and fees at publicly funded airports:

"The Myths of FBO Consolidation"
Jeff Kohlman of Aviation Management Consulting Group, NATA's  Aviation Business Journal Q2 2018

"A Federal Grant Assurance Primer: What Is Really Required of Airports and FBOs"

Shelley Ewalt of McBreen & Kopko, NATA's  Aviation Business Journal Q2 2018

"NATA Launches FBOs Above and Beyond and Real FBO Facts"

Ellen Miller of NATA, NATA's  Aviation Business Journal Q2 2018

"Viewpoint: Gaining Altitude on Value

Dr. Benjamin Goodheart of Versant, NATA's Aviation Business Journal Q2 2018

Margin Call: No Margin? No Fueling!

Business Aviation Advisor Staff, August 25, 2017

"The People’s Republic of AOPA

Douglas Wilson, June 27, 2017, Airport Business/

The FBO Problem

J. Mac McClellan, Page 22 of the May 2017 issue of EAA’s Sport Aviation

WAI Pulls Support from AOPA's FBO Pricing Argument

WAI Shifts Sides On FBO Issue, As AOPA Persists