The association aligned its committees with NATA’s strategic goals. The following committees represent a cross-section of NATA's association:
Airport Business Committee – This committee focuses on the challenges and opportunities faced by businesses operating on an airport, including FBOs, repair stations, charter operators and other aeronautical service and support operations. The Airport Business Committee includes members interested in airport, business management and environmental issues.
Air Charter Committee – This committee focuses on issues affecting Part 135 on-demand charter and Part 91K operations.
Aircraft Maintenance and Systems Technology Committee – This committee focuses on issues affecting aircraft maintenance and certificated repair stations.
Safety Committee – The Safety committee provides input and advice on NATA’s highly successful Safety 1st programs and other safety initiatives.
NATA’s member committees are open to all members and work to advance the objectives outlined in the NATA Strategic Plan, while also serving as a forum where member companies can:
Provide input to the association on the key issues affecting aviation businesses and guidance on the course the association takes in addressing those issues
Leverage industry expertise to create products that provide a general benefit to the association membership
Network with other aviation business professionals, industry leaders and key government officials
Member-based committees play an important role in achieving an effective and progressive NATA and are a vital part of the association’s operations.
There are some basic purposes to utilizing a committee and advantages to be gained. Bringing together a cross section of member knowledge and experience, an effective committee can generate qualified group judgment and continuity of thinking. To the NATA staff liaison, it provides constructive guidance and direction.
The committee’s ability to provide direct member involvement ensures that NATA truly represents its members. And the committee is both a classroom and a proving ground for developing better informed and more knowledgeable members who could in the future serve on the association’s board of directors.
The COMMITTEE MEMBER HANDBOOK is a compilation of information, ideas and observations about committees – their organization, operation and composition – gained from the board, committee members, staff liaisons and other active trade associations. To review the COMMITTEE MEMBER HANDBOOK, please click here. (Revised January 2018)
Guests are welcome at NATA committee meetings. If you would like to attend an upcoming meeting, or if you are interested in becoming a member of one the NATA Committees, please contact that committee’s chairperson and staff liaison and express your interest.