NATA Membership
Ready to join our member community? Use our self-guided membership form linked below to start your membership today! If you are looking to renew, click here.
Member Categories/Dues
Dues for new members are prorated based upon a calendar year. Renewals are calculated based upon membership type or number of employees.
Regular Member
NATA regular members are for-profit aviation businesses engaged in pilot training, charter services, fuel and ground services, aircraft maintenance services and other related services. Regular member dues are calculated based upon the number of employees working for a company. For the purposes of calculating dues, employees include, line service technicians, management, pilots, mechanics or others subject to an aircraft management agreement.
Associate Member
(Annual Dues: $1,390 - Less than $10 million gross revenue; $2,785 - More than $10 million gross revenue)
Associate membership – for those companies who are not eligible to be Regular Members, who are engaged in pursuits related directly or indirectly to commercial or general aviation or who might reasonably expect to benefit from the successful growth and development of the air transportation industry.
Affiliate Member
(Annual Dues: $295)
Affiliate membership - for those companies who are not eligible to be Regular or Associate Members. This category is designed for government-run agencies (including smaller airports*) and non-profits, along with state aviation associations, colleges and universities.
*Smaller airports are those that pump less than 200,000 gallons of fuel per year, or that have less than eight FTEs.
Patron Member
(Annual Dues: $150)
Patron membership - for individuals who are not eligible to be Regular or Associate Members through their company. This category is also available to charitable organizations. Patron members receive access to NATA's website and email communications, and are eligible to attend committee meetings as a guest.
Student Member
(Annual Dues: $35)
Student membership - for active students. A copy of a valid student ID is required at the time of application. Student members receive access to NATA's website and email communications, and are eligible to attend committee meetings as a guest.
NATA Support Level Program
NATA members of all sizes can now choose to participate at a higher level in the NATA Support Level Program. Participants may select from many offerings that meet your company’s individual needs. Companies that select a level are also recognized throughout the year at NATA events, the quarterly
Aviation Business Journal and on NATA’s website.
Click here for current NATA Support Level Program participants.
Member Benefits
here to view a full list of NATA member benefits for Regular, Associate and Affiliate Members. (Benefits for Patron and Student Members are listed with membership category descriptions.)