NATA is working to provide a well-rounded perspective on the FBO industry. NATA invites you to share the images and information below on your website as well as on your social media channels and other communications. Fixed base operators (FBOs) are the primary service providers to general aviation aircraft operators. The FBO industry in the U.S. today comprises nearly 3,000 locations at airports around the country. An FBO is defined as a business operating under a lease with an airport-owning authority that dispenses aviation fuel, but may provide a much more broad array of services to aviation customers.
Fuel and maintenance are considered the top two services provided by U.S. FBOs. At some airports, FBOs have fueling contracts with commercial passenger and cargo carriers or with a government entity, such as a National Guard unit. Additionally, at certain locations, FBOs also perform line maintenance, cabin cleaning, and baggage handling for commercial airline customers.
FBO Facts
FBOs provide vital airport and community access and a continuous, safe supply of aviation fuel. Without this vital infrastructure, general aviation would have fewer flying options, and more obstacles to our important and shared mission of increasing the GA pilot population.
FBOs are not just facilities to service local pilots, but serve as gateways toward encouraging economic investment and links to community businesses beyond the airport boundary.
FBOs compete vigorously with each other on price, service, and quality of facilities.
Competition between FBOs is not limited to other on-field providers. Increased aircraft efficiency means an FBO competes for fuel sales with aircraft departure points and destinations. Additionally, pilots and passengers often have a choice of airports near their ultimate destination.
FBOs and the airports and communities they serve are closely tied.
NATA and its members strongly support the FAA’s policy recommending that airports implement minimum standards – providing benefits, including creating a safer operating environment, guaranteeing higher quality services to the public, and protecting the airport by ensuring service providers maintain a minimum level of training, equipment, staffing, and insurance coverage.
Providing the Real Facts About FBOs
NATA State of the Aviation Business Sector Overview
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