Action Call
Support the Moran Amendment to the Continuing Resolution
Help Save the Contract Tower Program
March 12, 2013
The United States Senate is expected today to begin consideration of a Continuing Resolution that would provide funding for the federal government through September 30th of this year.
Last week, we asked you to call your Senators to support the contract tower program and to apply spending reductions at the FAA in a fair and equitable manner. Senators began to hear from many across the country and now Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) and other Senators plan to offer a bipartisan amendment to the Continuing Resolution. The amendment ensures that the contract tower program is subjected to funding reductions similar to what other programs at the FAA are taking under sequestration.
As you know, the FAA plans to close 189 contract towers starting in early April. The Moran amendment would provide for a 5% reduction to the contract tower program and require the FAA to equitably allocate reductions in spending in other areas of the FAA.
Please call your U.S. Senators today and request that they support the Moran Amendment to the Continuing Resolution.
Please click on the link for phone numbers of your Senators;
United States Senate