Regulatory Report
July 23, 2012
What’s at Issue
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), Combined Drug and Alcohol Testing, that would permit Part 135 operators with a second drug and alcohol testing program for air tour operations to combine those programs.
Why It’s Important
Eliminating duplicate drug and alcohol testing programs would reduce costs and administrative burdens for operators that choose to adopt a single program.
Major Provisions
If the NPRM is approved, Part 135 operators that also conduct commercial air tour operations would have the option of combining the separate drug and alcohol testing programs that are required today into a single program. However, it is important for operators to be aware that the Part 135 operator will be responsible for any violations of the drug and alcohol testing program, regardless of the type of operation in which it incurred. Therefore, violations would be assessed at the Part 135 level, not the Part 91 level, under a combined program.
NATA Position
NATA supports the proposed rule and encourages members that may be eligible to combine programs to review the NPRM and submit comments as appropriate.
The NPRM was published on July 2, 2012. The FAA will accept comments until August 31, 2012. Download a copy of the NPRM, which includes instructions for submitting comments.
Staff Contact: Collin Smith
Manager, Regulatory Affairs